Hotline: (510) 845-7273
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Hotline: (510) 800-4247 se habla español
Call Us: (510) 800-4247
se habla español
Get help now for yourself, a friend, family or community member. All of our services are confidential and free of charge.
Crisis Hotline
English and Spanish:
(510) 800-4247
For over 50 years we have offered free services, peer-counseling and advocacy around the clock. Donations from our community, both monetary and in-kind, have sustained our agency for the duration. BRAVE also offers three Sexual Assault Counselor trainings per year to Alameda County residents and providers. Our volunteer counselors are the backbone of our services.
BRAVE Bay Area (Believing, Responding to, Advocating for, Validating, and Empowering survivors), formerly known as Bay Area Women Against Rape, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting survivors of all forms of gender-based violence and challenging societal norms that perpetuate cycles of violence.
Founded in 1971, BRAVE Bay Area provides advocacy, support, and education services across Alameda County and beyond, with a primary focus on women and a dedicated commitment to serving transgender
and nonbinary individuals who face disproportionate risks. We call on the community to take brave action in preventing violence and supporting all survivors.
Confidential Hotline in English and Spanish
Línea directa confidencial en inglés y español (510) 800-4247
San Leandro Service Center
400 Estudillo Avenue, Suite 205
San Leandro, CA 94577
Mondays-Thursdays, by appointment (510) 430-1298
411 30th Street, Suite 412
Oakland, CA 94609
by appointment